Friday, March 25, 2011

Illegal to x-ray fit shoes!

Yes that’s right. No more x-rays at shoe stores, darn! How will we fit our shoes now? I can’t tell if they fit without an x-ray!
In Wisconsin X-ray machines may not be used to fit shoes. Yes, this is a real law. And almost as funny as the actual law itself is the fact that it is in the fluoroscopic shoe-fitting machines section of the law books. So not only is this a ridiculous law that is totally insane to begin with, but there is also an entire section of law in Wisconsin devoted wholly to these types of fluoroscopic machines.
However, don’t be alarmed because the law only prohibits you from fitting shoes with them. Cause that’s totally what x-ray machines were designed for in the first place right?
This became a law in 1977 and as far as I could find out was never repealed or changed. The law says,
            “Whoever uses, possesses, or controls with intent to so use, any fluoroscopic or x-ray machine for the purpose of shoe-fitting or attempting to fit shoes, or who knowingly permits such machine, whether in use or not, to remain on his or her premises, is subject to a Class B forfeiture.”
Translation: Anyone who has an x-ray machine and wants to fit shoes with it or owns one at all, even if they’re not using it, will get their x-ray machine taken away.
Well, who knows why anyone would even think to make this a law or attempt it in the first place? I certainly don’t. In my mind this law led me to several questions. What would possess someone to try this? Who has an x-ray machine in a shoe store? Isn’t it just easier to try them on and feel them to see if they fit? Wouldn’t this be a really slow way to do business? How in the world did anyone see this as a criminal activity?
These are the questions I will be pondering this weekend, but for some reason I don’t think anyone has the answers to most of them.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Illegal to pump your own gas?

In Oregon it is illegal to pump your own gas unless you own the dispensing device and are properly trained. That’s right, not only must you actually own the machine but must also be able to properly pump other people’s gas.
This is neither fake nor an exaggeration. It is filed under a section of the law entitled “operation of gasoline dispensing device by public prohibited.” The law itself specifies even further, “No owner, operator, or employee of any filling station, garage, or other dispensary where Class 1 flammable liquids are dispensed at retail, shall permit any person other than the owner, operator, or employee to use or manipulate any pump, hose, pipe or other device for dispensing such liquids into the fuel tank of a motor vehicle or other retail container.”
So yes, it is illegal to pump your own gas in Oregon. This law is also found in New Jersey, strangely enough. Thank god we have “gas dispensing technicians” to help us with this extremely important and life altering work for us in both states. I have always wondered why this law even exists to restrict pumping of gas. I mean these are the only two states that I’ve ever heard of where this is true but the other 48 states seem to be doing just fine pumping their own gas so why does this law exist?
For this law I am simply baffled. I guess it could be a liability or insurance clause for the oil companies or the state to avert lawsuits or problems? But in this case I have no idea why this is still in effect in either or both places and it seems a little bit pointless to me, personally. I mean it’s not like chaos has resulted in any other state where this isn’t a law.
Anyways, enjoy being pampered in Oregon and New Jersey with car-side assistance from your very own technician due to this crazy law!

Friday, March 4, 2011

4th of July = Get out of Jail free card?

To some people this day is known as the holiday we use to celebrate Independence Day or the day we declared our secession from Britain. It is a time when people go camping or picnicking or simply enjoy the fireworks, but this is not the case in North Dakota. There it seems that this day is a time where no arrests can be made!
Sound crazy? In North Dakota no one may be arrested on the Fourth of July. The consequences of this law if it is well known could be extreme and quite crazy. Imagine, having a day where you couldn’t get in trouble for any act you committed! The possibilities…
Any ways, the law really does say “ No person shall be arrested during a sitting of the Senate or House of Representatives, within the hall where such a session is being held, or in any court of justice, during the sitting of such court, or on Sunday, or on the Fourth of July.”
Wow, so if just having the fourth of July as a freebie day wasn’t enough, apparently people also can’t be arrested on Sundays or during government hearings! Either the people in North Dakota are very nice and nothing happens or no one knows about this law. If the same law was in effect in Pennsylvania I can think of several people personally that would love to take advantage. Especially the part about Sundays…
So wake up North Dakota and smell the freedom! No arrests on the 4th of July, so you better get cracking on plans for that one thing you always wanted to do but knew you couldn’t get away with! Want to smash your neighbor’s lawn gnomes or key your boss’s car? If so then this is the perfect day to do so (provided that you don’t get caught)! Happy Independence Day North Dakota, and by independence I mean freedom to commit untold acts and not be arrested for one whole day!!! Happy holidays ;)